DNSPod x 云开发CloudBase 建站特惠

serverless 建站,免服务器运维现在虽然很优惠,但是需要域名备案,可搭建wordpress之类建站程序https://cloud.tencent.com/act/pro/hosting01

Oracle 导出表结构(含列名、数据类型、字段备注注释)

SELECT --t1.Table_Name || chr(13) || t3.comments AS "表名称及说明", ROWNUM , t1.Column_Name AS "字段名称", t1.DATA_TYPE AS "数据类型", t1.DATA_LENGTH AS "长度", t1.NullAble AS "是否为空", t2.Comments AS "字段说明", t1.Data_Default "默认值" --t4.created AS "建表时间" --t3.comments AS "表说明", FROM cols t1 LEFT JOIN user_col_comments t2 ON t1.Table_name = t2.Table_name AND t1.Column_Name = t2.Column_Name LEFT JOIN user_tab_comments t3 ON t1.Table_name = t3.Table_name LEFT JOIN user_objects t4 ON t1.table_name = t4.OBJECT_NAME WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT t4.Object_Name FROM User_objects t4 WHERE t4.Object_Type = 'TABLE' AND t4.Temporary = 'Y' AND t4.Object_Name = t1.Table_Name) and t1.TABLE_NAME='你要查询的表名' ORDER BY t1.Table_Name, t1.Column_ID;或select distinct TABLE_COLUMN.*, TABLE_NALLABLE.DATA_TYPE, TABLE_NALLABLE.NULLABLE from (select distinct utc.table_name table_name, utc.comments table_comments, ucc.column_name column_name, ucc.comments column_comments from user_tab_comments utc, user_col_comments ucc where utc.table_name = ucc.table_name and utc.table_name not like '%_B' and utc.table_name not like '%_Z' and utc.table_name not like '%1%') TABLE_COLUMN, (select distinct table_name, column_name, nullable, DATA_TYPE from user_tab_cols where table_name not like '%_B' and table_name not like '%_Z' and table_name not like '%1%') TABLE_NALLABLE where TABLE_COLUMN.column_name = TABLE_NALLABLE.column_name and TABLE_COLUMN.TABLE_NAME = TABLE_NALLABLE.table_name;参考https://blog.csdn.net/liu_yulong/article/details/83619122https://blog.csdn.net/prefectjava/article/details/37908003


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